Integro's Recruitment Services have been rated 'Excellent' on Google!
Find out why

Reside Manchester

Rhiannon Durston - Sales and Marketing Director

Rhiannon Durston - Sales and Marketing Director

Reside - Dedicated Search

“We have worked with other agencies before but we appreciated Integro's confidence in bringing in results and fast! They delivered on those promises and with a high calibre candidates as well.”


What was the job Integro helped recruit for?

“Sales Manager and Lettings Consultant."

What Impressed you with Integros Service?

“The fact we never had to chase for CVs and candidates, Sarah was always on top of getting us quality candidates and giving us updates when required."


How did Integro differ from the previous recruitment agencies you used?

"We work with other agencies and have done in the past and have usually had success with each of them, the reason why Integro differ from them was their confidence to bring in results for our recruitment process.

Sarah came straight in with options for our open vacancies and the quality of the candidates she sent over were all good and worth consideration for interview."

The Process

How did Integros experience and industry expertise help you find the right hire?

“Integro were always offering us insight into the market with new candidates, we were able to make adjustments to our benefits and what we could offer to new employees as a way to stay ahead of our competitors. 

Their confidence as well helped us believe that they have access to the right candidates for us and not only do they present candidates that are qualified but that are a character match as well."


Would you recommend Integro’s “Dedicated Search” service?

“Would highly recommend the use of Integros Dedicated Search, as this shows there is a guarantee of performance, this also helps buy into Integro as a business and see that they truly back themselves to bring in the best results for us.

With the Dedicated Search as well you see that they take the time to research the company and how they can use that information to sell the business to candidates."

The Outcome

How many quality candidates did you get sent?

"For our Sales Manager position, we got around 6-8 high-quality candidates and for our Lettings Consultant a further 5. We would have had more but where we were at in the stage of the process 5 was all we needed."


What convinced you to use Integro?

“Integro came to us with confidence and research on us that showed they took the time to understand what we would need for a new hire. 

They looked to see what characters would thrive and get on with the team in place, both the candidates we took through Integro managed to integrate well into the team seamlessly and have been providing effective results for the business."